Dancing In The Flame

It’s been a while since I sent out a newsletter and now feels like the time to dive in and share some of my story and journey.

Many of you have heard I was in a terrible accident, I was struck by a SUV while crossing the street 2 years ago, that left me with a severe head injury and changed the trajectory of my life. Health has always been important to me. I dedicated 3 decades of my life to be better, feel better and help others find comfort in their bodies and minds. Sometimes things happen that knock us off our feet, no pun intended. The road I‘ve traveled these last 2 years has not been easy and yet I can see the beauty of my journey and the horizon in the distance.

After my accident I had a few complications; I had paralysis on the right side of my face, migraines, memory loss, lack of focus and daily challenges while functioning at an optimal level. It was a wake up call and an opportunity to make changes. I spend time diving deep inside myself and asking some difficult questions. I knew I had to change my mindset. I needed to move out of my victim mentality and into my victory mindset.This pointed me in a new direction that has changed who I am, how I see the world and, most importantly, how I see myself.

What I have learned is that our perceptions are everything and they can cause us to lose sight of who we truly are, what's important, and how we want to live our lives. I believe there are times when we move away from challenges, instead of leaning into them. When we lean into the discomfort and we are willing to shine a light on what’s going on, only then can we move through it to heal and become a better version of ourselves.

Where have you felt stuck, or like a victim, scared or challenged in your own life? How can you look at it differently? How can we learn and grow, and perhaps pivot in a new direction, so we can live our lives on purpose?

A big part of my life is dedicated to helping others feel good. Yoga has been a blessing for me, both in body and mind. And, I’ve witnessed the benefits of yoga in others as well. Yet, through it all, I’ve felt that something was missing; there’s a missing piece to the puzzle. Through my coaching work I learned tools, techniques and gained tremendous knowledge to move out of the victim mindset into the victory to move forward.

I believe that each one of us needs guidance, tools and an action plan that is customized for our own unique needs, aspirations, goals and purpose. Life coaching has transformed my own life. It has given me clarity, confidence, purpose, and it has rekindled my inner fire.

What’s the life you really want to live? Are you ready to dance around the fire and live your true purpose? As a certified life coach I would love to work with you to discover and build your dream life.

Carrie Costello