Conscious choice is the key to bringing the things we want into our lives.

Conscious choice is the key to bringing the things we want into our lives. When we choose from a clear perspective, we are not stressed about our choice. When we are stressed it clouds and limits our vision and we can make choices that are not inline with what might be best for us. Without stress, we are aware of far more options and are able to see clearly with a less judgmental eye.

The greatest freedom we have is the freedom of choice. We are always at choice. And, what a blessing that is. The answer to all our questions lie within us, and we know more than we think we know. The more conscious we are, the more present we are. We are sharper, and better equipped to make the best choices. We are able to practice discernment and non-judgment and simultaneously use logic, emotions, and intuition to make accurate decisions. Instead of reacting we are able to adjust to the current circumstance. We understand we are always at choice, so instead of reacting, we respond by adjusting to the given circumstance.

Sometimes we are under the illusion that we have a choice. We think we are at choice when in fact the PAST is choosing for us. What that means is, we make decisions on beliefs we carry with us from our childhoods. Some of those beliefs may absolutely be appropriate for the current circumstance, but sometimes they are not. Being conscious of our feelings around our decisions is a way that can help us make the right choice for NOW, and not one based on limiting beliefs that might be carried over from our past.

We are always making decisions that impact our livelihood and/or health. It is important to understand the decisions we make now may affect things later in life, so it is helpful to connect from within and see what our feelings are around them. Conscious choice is the highest form of energy. We are aware and able to make a decision we want to create, we aren’t cluttered by the past or the future.

How can we move towards a choice that lights us up apposed to choosing from fear?

Ask yourself, why am I making the choice I am making?

Here are 4 ways to make a decision in everyday circumstances:

1-Make a list of the pros and cons of each choice. 

2-Go down the list and for each choice, see how you feel. Do you feel good, or do you feel anxiety? And, what would that circumstance look like 6 months from now?

3-Look at the values you are honoring by choosing your options.

4-Try centering yourself first and then asking the question. Listen to your gut and check to see what your intuitive response is.

These exercises can help you get conscious and make a conscious choice. 

Carrie Costello